
Practical tips to protect your dog when hunting

Hunters around the world know that hunting dogs are a great help in catching wild animals. In addition to the help they provide in the hunt, these dogs are also the delight of their masters because they provide loyalty, friendship, and companionship. Hunting dog owners must keep their pets safe every time they go hunting. If you are the owner of a hunting dog, here are some suggestions that you can apply:

1. Put your dog in a hunter’s safety vest.

A hunter safety vest is one of the best safety equipment your dog can wear while hunting. One of the most likely accidents that can happen to a hunting canine is being shot by another hunter.

Another risk comes from the environment. The game of seek or chase generally takes your pet through thick bushes and trees. Here, its body can easily be pricked with sharp sticks and thorns. These are painful and your pet should be given some protection against these dangers.

By putting it on a hunting dog safety vest, you not only make your pet easily recognizable by other hunters. You are also protecting your body from possible punctures from thorns and other sharp objects in the bush.

2. Provide your pet with regular cool down periods.

Hunting is best on sunny days, but it may not be good for your dog because too much heat can damage him. If you hunt during extremely hot weather, be sure to call your pet regularly for periods of rest and cool down. During these times, you should give him plenty of water and enough snacks.

If you still have some water to spare, you can use it to wet your dog’s body and lower his temperature. You must constantly observe your pet as he goes about his business. If you can feel that you are already tired, you should give it a rest by ending the activity of your day.

3. Keep your dog from getting lost.

Dogs don’t give up easily when tracking animals. They can spend hours and long distances to reach their goal. Sometimes your pet’s eagerness to catch your subject makes it difficult for you to get him to stop the chase. This increases the chances of the dog getting lost.

To avoid this possibility, it is always good to put a GPS tracking collar around your hunting pet’s neck. This will make it easier for you to locate him when he is away while hunting.

4. Always be prepared for any eventuality.

You can never predict what will happen while you are hunting. You should be prepared for any eventuality by keeping a first aid kit handy in case someone in your hunting party, including your dog, is injured.

These are some of the things that can help keep your pet safe while hunting. Even if your dog is equipped with a tracking collar, you must not forget to attach the dog’s identification and your contact details to the collar. This will be of great help if the dog strays too far. It will allow search engines for your pet to contact you immediately.

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