
Signs of a sick dog

Dogs cannot verbally communicate with us; we have to look for signs to determine if the dog is sick. It is best to always closely monitor your dog for any differences in behavior. Also, maintaining good communication with the vet is a good practice; he will be able to guide you on the health of your dog.

There are some common signs that your dog is sick and needs veterinary attention; however, the following signs are just the most common; If you see your dog behaving differently, see a vet immediately.

Your dog shows little appetite and feels lethargic; he has signs of diarrhea or constipation; vomiting discharge; have trouble urinating; excretes saliva in excess; scratches excessively; it has a dry/scaly and dull coat; wheezing and gasping frequently; cries when the part of the body that hurts is touched; and shows limp.

Contact the emergency veterinary clinic if your dog shows the following symptoms:

Your dog has pale or white gums; he collapses due to loss of consciousness; you have labored breathing; experience dizziness and seizures; circles around; have difficulty walking; you have a swollen abdomen; yell loudly and excessively; and has a body temperature greater than 104 degrees Celsius or less than 99 degrees Celsius.

Take note of any unusual signs in your dog and contact the vet immediately. Don’t delay. Your vet is a better judge of whether your dog needs to be sent to an emergency clinic or if he can recover on his own.

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