Health Fitness

Sports drinks or water: which is better for soccer players and athletes?

What is better for soccer players and sportsmen, water or sports drinks? I find that water is better for hydration, but it is not that simple. First, you must drink the water for it to be beneficial and you must drink it before you are thirsty (at least 20 minutes before exercise). If a player is more likely to drink a sports drink, then it is better than water if he drinks it but did not drink it. Second, you must drink enough. Sports drinks contain a little salt, which apparently encourages the person who drinks it to consume more than they would consume without the salt. Water does not produce energy, as it does not contain calories. So if you need an energy boost, you won’t get it from water. Now keep in mind that water is good for you all the time, but sports drinks should NOT be drunk all the time (however, they are clearly better than Coke and similar beverages that contain twice the calories of Gatorade in the form high fructose corn syrup). The articles on this can be confusing, but the confusion seems to come from the combination of different goals (hydration and energy replacement) and from people trying to make it clear that sports drinks are not beneficial all the time. (In other words, they won’t make you healthy or a better athlete, and they contain “empty” calories that aren’t nutritious, which are the impressions someone might get from advertising.) BUT, if you run out of energy and need some quick energy, drinks like Gatorade are good and MUCH better than a Cola drink that contains twice the calories (in the form of high fructose corn syrup), acidic, carbonation and caffeine. .

WWater is good, but a sports drink may be better for soccer players before and during a game: The reason is that a drink like Gatorade that has a little sodium, potassium and other elements is absorbed more quickly in the intestine than plain water. This puts more water in the blood faster. Buy sports drinks designed to replenish fluids. I would avoid the ones with high fructose corn syrup because it absorbs faster than sugar or dextrose. I recommend a diluted sports drink like Gatorade powder that contains sucrose and not high fructose corn syrup. Carbonated sodas are not as good as water or most sports drinks.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is based on my research but is not guaranteed to be accurate, it is subject to change and should be verified.

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