Health Fitness

successful weight loss after pregnancy

How quickly you lose weight will depend on a number of factors, including how much weight you gained during your pregnancy.

Most women will lose 10-14 pounds within the first 2 weeks after delivery. This weight can be mainly attributed to the loss of excess fluid in the body, the weight of the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid. Some women may lose a little less and some women may lose a little more.

As the uterus shrinks to its normal size and hormone levels continue to drop, you will lose weight. Most women gain at least 7 pounds of fat during pregnancy. This fat is intended to help women store energy during lactation. How quickly you lose this weight will depend on a number of factors, including: genetics, your general health, diet, and exercise.

You should expect that it will take a little time to lose the weight you gained during your pregnancy. After all, it took you nine months to gain that weight! However, many women have successfully lost weight in just a few months after giving birth.

Some women will hold on to the last few pounds they have to lose until they stop breastfeeding. Your body may want to hold on to a few extra pounds to ensure you have enough energy to provide adequate milk for the baby. Each woman’s experience is unique in this regard.

The good news is that with a solid nutritional program and moderate exercise, you can expect to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy in a reasonable amount of time.

Most women will return to their pre-pregnancy weight within nine months of delivery IF they follow a regular exercise program and eat healthily after delivery. With that being said, some women will lose their pregnancy weight in as little as six to twelve weeks!

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