Health Fitness

The best way to measure your metabolism

For years I have felt that my metabolism was like Superman’s on crack. A calorie burner like no other!

My body has easily stayed lean and muscular, which is why I always thought there was no way in the world that my metabolism was stagnant.

When you see a paper-thin woman or a man with a smashed six-pack, you might think that those physical aspects are a perfect display of a healthy metabolism.

In some cases, these people may have a stable metabolism. Most of the time, this is not the case.

Your metabolism isn’t measured by how fast you can lose weight, how much you can bench press, how fast you can run 800 meters, or how nice your farts smell (well, maybe a little when it comes to of their stink bombs).

You can measure your metabolism by keeping this checklist in mind …

  • Your immune system is very strong, you rarely get sick

  • Gas and bloating are minimal.

  • Energy levels are high and constant.

  • You sweat during exercise, you rarely feel cold.

  • It feels warm and cozy throughout the day, especially in your hands and feet.

  • You are not one of those suffering people who wonder “why am I so cold all the time?”

  • Sleep is amazing and constant, without waking up during the night.

  • Your digestive system is alive (regular daily poop)

  • Cravings are very low

  • You can recover from workouts without feeling fried all day.

And finally, the best quantifiable indicator towards a healthy metabolism is …

A good body temperature and pulse. Your body temperature should be between 97.8 and 98.6, with a healthy pulse between 75-85 bmp at rest.

I learned this technique from two courses I took with Josh and Jeanne Rubin; The metabolic plan and the fight against fatigue with food.

Most people’s body temperature falls between the 95-97 range, due to years of elevated adrenaline and cortisol levels, blood sugar imbalances, and food choices that provide little or no energy or heat at the cellular level. .

I thought my metabolism was bulletproof for a long time. When I started taking my temperature and pulse, I was in awe. My temperature hovered around 96.2 quite frequently with a low pulse of 65 beats per minute.

According to Josh and Jeanne, “a normal pattern will drop in the morning, peak at noon, and drop again at night.”

They share a great deal of knowledge in their courses. They explain that measuring your body temperature and pulse allows you to:

  1. Assess hormonal fluctuation influenced by the body’s ability to meet daily demands.

  2. Identify subclinical hypothyroidism

  3. Identify the influences of blood and adrenal sugar on metabolism.

Josh says: “When the body temperature and pulse are outside the normal range, it indicates a stress on the system and a down-regulated metabolism. Stress on the system stimulates a large number of inflammatory hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, prolactin and estrogen.. “

Here are some key points I also learned from them regarding what happens when you have a low body temperature and pulse:

  • Digestion is disrupted, leading to the inability to break down and absorb nutrients.

  • Thyroid and / or adrenal function is suppressed

  • Inhibition of the production of protective steroid hormones (progesterone, cortisol, DHEA)

  • Mineral imbalances develop

  • There is a strong waste of oxygen that leads to the production of lactic acid.

  • Muscle tissue begins to decline

  • Adrenaline levels are high, creating various offsets.

Using a digital thermometer and your own two fingers is the easiest and cheapest general metabolic and thyroid / adrenal / hormonal test you can do.

Buy a digital thermometer at Target or another local store and start practicing taking your oral temperature. You can take your temperature in other areas, but keep it simple and use the under tongue method.

Take your temperature no more than three times a day, three days in a row a week.

Your first reading should be right upon waking up, lying peacefully in bed. The next reading should be twenty minutes after breakfast, and then a third time will be twenty minutes after lunch or another meal of your choice.

Measure your pulse with your fingers, not your thumb, as the thumb has its own pulse. Choose your carotid (neck) pulse or your radial (wrist) pulse.

A pulse greater than 85 beats per minute may be a finer sign that adrenaline and cortisol are too high and out of balance. Keep in mind that regulating your pulse takes longer than regulating your body temperature, so be patient when it comes to measuring your metabolism.

Do both tests together as it will make things easier. Write down your results on your phone, computer, or a notepad.

You may be scratching your head thinking that your pulse should be much lower than 75-85 beats per minute. I like what Kate Deering (health partner) comments on her blog about the pulse …

“Broda Barnes MD and Dr. Ray Peat state that an optimal pulse is between 75 and 85 beats per minute. Huh? I thought a low pulse was better? Don’t most athletes have a pulse rate below 60 beats per minute? super-fit Lance Armstrong has a pulse of 45 beats per minute. Yes, Lance is fit, and yes, he had a very low pulse. However, let’s remember that he had testicular cancer at the age of 25. We must remember – being fit is not the same as healthy. A healthy metabolism induces a higher pulse and body temperature, two things that you will often NOT see in endurance athletes. “

There are many biochemical reactions that take place in your body throughout the day, and it is your duty to keep your metabolism running strong.

On a nerdy scientific level, your cells need to be nourished with the correct carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

When your cells receive the correct nutrients, they “breathe” without stress and efficiently produce heat and energy.

When your cells breathe properly and produce heat, your body’s temperature and pulse reflect this and your metabolism starts kicking butt.

I can remember when my temperature and pulse started to rise and regulate. My hands and feet weren’t freezing all the time like they used to, I stopped waking up in the middle of the night, and my energy levels became drastically different.

Remember, having a healthy, fast metabolism isn’t about having a killer abs, having the least amount of body fat on the block, or feeling like Superman on the crack (well, maybe a little).

Pay attention to foods that increase your body’s temperature and pulse and which act as a roadblock.

As your metabolism begins to improve, you will begin to notice what it feels like to have a lot of energy and the new feeling of being fuzzy and warm even on a cold day. Enjoy the journey of reshaping your metabolism!

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