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The law of attraction is the spiritual acceptance of being materialistic!

The law of attraction made headlines about five years ago because of the movie “The Secret.” This introduced many to the power of his mind and his spiritual connection. Although heavily criticized for being too materialistic, I, for one, am delighted with this teaser film. It brought to mainstream people the message that if you focus your mind and your thoughts, you can indeed create the life you want. If that includes being materialistic… well that’s fine with me because it’s time people stop thinking that having material things is NOT spiritual. Some of our spiritual teachers tell us that thinking too much about having “stuff” is wrong, self-centered, greedy, or selfish.

Truth be told, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with material things. It is extremely spiritual to desire these wonderful things that were once conceived in the minds of humans and born into our reality. It is even more spiritual to recognize that even the poorest of the poor can bring you material things once they begin to believe that they are worthy of having them. Everyone has the ability to create exactly what they want. Our Universe is abundant in all areas and humans deserve everything they seek. Thinking otherwise actually prevents the human race from moving forward.

Today, people must work exceptionally hard to get beyond their self-imposed limiting thoughts. As a hypnotherapist, I am constantly amazed at how people feel about themselves… powerless. This causes panic attacks, severe anxiety, anger, and depression because we have allowed our personal power to be given away. These sentiments often come from our uniformed parents, schools, universities, organized religions, and governments that we MUST conform to written rules and laws because we cannot think for ourselves. Think about it… if we go against what we have been taught, we can be judged and punished. This explains why we are so small and limited and why we eventually develop unhealthy and powerless thoughts that make pharmaceuticals rich! Many of us are afraid to think outside our limited box because it will be judged wrong and selfish…in other words, “evil.”

Here’s what our society does NOT want us to know: our own private mental space is the one area they can’t control… only if we let them. Unfortunately, we are the ones who created these educational systems, religions and governments in the first place. We perpetuate the problem by continuing to give them great power to control our minds and thoughts. It was easier to comply than to say no to these authority figures who have convinced us that they care about our well-being.

So how do we correct this problem? We must begin to realize that the only person who truly wants what is best for us…is our OWN mind. It is time that we believe in ourselves more than we believe in our environmental authorities. We must begin to recognize our own worth. When we WANT to start feeling good and worthy about ourselves, we immediately begin our process to move forward. We begin to immerse ourselves in good feelings, forgiveness and appreciation. Then we automatically start moving towards creating a life that consists of happiness. We go into PRO-CREATION mode of our own power by immediately understanding exactly what we don’t want in order to create what we do want.

I get emails from all over the world looking for answers as to why they created this particular situation in their life. My response is often to look at how they feel about themselves. Their problems are simply a mirror of how they perceive their life. When people grasp this concept, their lives change drastically.

We deserve the luxuries of life and we deserve financial peace of mind. It all starts with restructuring the way we were originally taught. It’s deliciously easy! By the way… it’s easy to create money once we forget that we have to work hard for it.

Listening to an inspiring talk show every day is one way to stay up to date, especially while commuting to work or even working out. More and more people are recognizing its power and every day, and as a result, their immediate surroundings and even the world are getting closer to what they really want.

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