Lifestyle Fashion

What Causes Hypothyroidism and Can It Be Cured?

What Causes Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)?

Hypothyroidism is the term used to describe the condition that occurs when a person’s thyroid does not produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone to meet the body’s needs.

Thyroid hormone is extremely important, as it plays an important role in ensuring that your metabolism remains in balance.

The thyroid hormone regulates the rate at which the body uses carbohydrates and fats. Thyroid hormone also performs other functions such as helping to regulate heart rate, protein production, and body temperature.

The thyroid gland itself is located just below the Adam’s apple. The hormones it produces are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Hypothyroidism (active thyroid) occurs most often when the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland. As a result, the thyroid gland becomes damaged, preventing it from producing enough thyroid hormone (thyroxine) to meet the body’s needs. Of course, this is not the only way someone can start to suffer from hypothyroidism, there are a variety of other causes as well.

If the body does not receive sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone, the body’s ability to use energy is severely affected. Thyroid hormone is also essential in helping the body maintain healthy bones and muscles.

There is no known way to prevent hypothyroidism, nor is there a real medical cure for the disease. It is generally accepted that once you have hypothyroidism, you will have the disease for life.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the name given to hypothyroidism caused by inflammation of the thyroid as a direct result of an attack by the body’s own immune system. This is commonly known as an “autoimmune disorder.”

Hypothyroidism caused by problems with the thyroid itself.

If you have had a thyroid problem that required surgical removal of the thyroid, you will suffer from hypothyroidism as a direct result.

There is also a condition known as congenital thyroid agenesis, which describes someone who was born without a thyroid, which will cause the person to suffer from hypothyroidism.


There are a number of prescription medications that can cause the thyroid gland to deteriorate. This can even occur, in some cases, with some of the drugs that are actually commonly prescribed to those with hypothyroidism to alleviate their condition.

Generic defects

Hypothyroidism can also be due to a genetic defect of some kind. If the genes responsible for regulating thyroid hormone have been damaged, the individual is likely to develop hypothyroidism.

Most of these genetic defects are detected at a very young age.

Pituitary problems

It is possible, although not common, that hypothyroidism is caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland produces a hormone itself that is responsible for stimulating the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone. Without this stimulation, the thyroid gland simply does not work properly.

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