
When to start training dogs and cats

Training cats and dogs to use the litter box or scratch the door is simple if you start early. Generally, the earlier the pet, the faster they will learn, as long as they are weaned from their mother. Top performing dogs and cats have started early and been consistently praised for their efforts. Animals vary in personality, so don’t be afraid if your dog or cat doesn’t learn right away. Be patient and loving with your animal. If the pet doesn’t learn after many weeks of training, something could be wrong. It may be a behavioral or medical problem. Check with your animal’s veterinarian if you are concerned.

Kittens can be litter trained at any time after 4 weeks. If the kitten is still close to its mother, place a smaller litter box next to the mother’s larger litter box. The cat will learn by watching and will eventually begin to use it as well. If the cat doesn’t have its mother to take a cue from, or hasn’t yet learned to use the litter box as it grows, you have a little more work to do, but don’t be alarmed. All animals vary in their learning abilities. Try to place the cat and its litter box in a small room, such as a bathroom or sink, with food and water. Check every hour to see if the cat has used the box correctly. Do this one more time until the cat has used the litter box properly, then praise the cat and take your supplies to the rest of the house. Put the litter box where you would like it and then show the cat where it is. Always make sure the litter box is clean because cats tend not to use a litter box if it’s constantly dirty. Clean the box once a day to prevent this.

Between 5 and 8 weeks is acceptable to start potty training a puppy. As soon as a puppy can start to go outside, do so. Take the dog out after eating, playing and waking up and show him an area where it is acceptable to go. Also, pay attention to what the puppy is doing inside. If the puppy sniffs around the house, he leads the dog to his spot outside. Pee pads are also acceptable if you have a very young or small dog, but training a dog to relieve himself outdoors is always less of a hassle.

Talk to the dog every time you take it out. Phrases like “Let’s go outside” or “Let’s go to the bathroom” said with enthusiasm will eventually be learned by the dog. When the dog finally relieves himself outside, he praises it immensely. Give the dog treats and lots of attention. After the dog is potty trained, obedience training can begin through dog training classes at home or at your local humane society or local pet stores like Petsmart or PetCo.

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