
Words of wisdom on marriage for men

I want to share with you Wise words from my wife for marriage., she spoke to me a couple of days ago. They had a profound impact on my life and the light finally “clicked” inside my brain. I’m not sharing this with you to sound like a superman or a hero. I am sharing this with you in the hope that it may help your marriage and your relationship with your wife.

First of all, I’m a normal guy who got “married”. We have 5 children ranging from 9 months to 9 years old. Obviously, I did something right to still be married after 10 years, but is it enough?

Here is the question. Why did my wife feel the need to share her timeless wisdom with me? I mean looking at everything I do on the list below and telling myself it’s not good enough. shouldn’t she “feel the love” With all these things I do for her?

A list of my daily contributions to the family (of course my wife does all these things too)

– Provide for the Family.

– Put a roof over their heads.

– I bought him a nice vehicle to drive.

– Feed everyone breakfast every day and get them ready for school.

– Take our girls to preschool.

– Prepare lunch for everyone.

– Prepare dinner for everyone.

– Wash the dishes.

-Take out the trash and recycle.

– Feed the dog and the cat.

– Clean up all the children before bedtime.

– etc.

Alright, so you get the point. I do a lot of things. Isn’t that good enough? Shouldn’t I feel the love? You might think so… I know I did. (By the way, that may sound like a lot of things I do, but my wife actually does triple that… so I can’t brag.)

So after several weeks of my wife giving me hints like, “Can you hang out with me for a while?” “Do you want to be with me?” “What are you going to do tonight?” “Do you want to do something together?” (Perhaps his wife has asked questions like this. If so, she is a RED FLAG that’s her “love tank” it is empty. This means that you have to take action. But how?)

Once my wife realized that I didn’t understand, after I explained to her all the things I do for the family and she didn’t understand WHY my wife didn’t “feel loved”. This is what she said. (Here are my wife’s words of wisdom for marriage.)

“Honey, I love you and appreciate all that you do. I know you love me and our family. You are an amazing provider and a good man. But here’s the thing. There are roles as mother and father that we must TO HAVE TO DO to contribute to the family. (like my list above). BUT then there’s us as husband and wife. What have you done lately to show me that you personally love me? I know you’ve done all these amazing things, but when was the last time you did something specifically for me?

Practical things my wife wanted from me

It didn’t have to be anything big…

– just a little text here and there throughout the day to let me know you’re thinking of me.

– just pausing for a minute when you walk into the room to say hello and tell me you love me.

– just a little hug and kiss here and there throughout the day (and not the hug and kiss that leads to you-know-what!)

– a phone call throughout the day to tell me that you love me and that you were thinking of me.

– and I really appreciate what a great thing you did for me over a week ago, but I honestly would rather you consistently do little things every day than one big thing every couple of months.”

My response to my wife’s words of wisdom


That hurts!

She is correct!

How in the world did I miss that?

We have this great family, we’ve been blessed with a nice home, food in our bellies, and we have our daily PARENTING chores to keep the family going… but what about my wife and I?

So what did I do after my wife shared her heart with me?

listen Wise words from my wife for marriage.. It’s HARD though! I listened and then I acted. It wasn’t hard because I felt compelled to love her. I love her with all my heart. It was hard because I have to find creative ways to “physically show her that I love her through my words and actions.” Simply doing all of my Father’s responsibilities is not enough.

Now, to my surprise, it seemed that when I took his wise words and applied them, things started to get easier. I was overjoyed. The children seemed to be happy and not involved as much. The job was easier. I felt better. We were both happy together as husband and wife.

Please take my wife’s wise words for marriage

So here it is, if your wife hasn’t told you… she’s thinking about it. You have to show her how much you love her. Think about how he felt about her before and on her wedding day. Remember how she was the only thing you could think about and you couldn’t focus on anything else. Think about all the things that drew you to her in the first place. Then make sure she knows how special she is.

It may be easier said than done, but it’s not. This is something you have to do… You MUST do if you want to maintain a strong marriage and follow your wife’s wishes. And trust me, you will reap what you see. I know you might be thinking, “What about my wishes?” “Why doesn’t he appreciate everything I do?”

But believe me on this… you, as the leader of your family and wife, need to lead by example. If your wife feels love, she won’t mind you watching the game on Sunday. She won’t mind if you work a little harder if you have to. She will KNOW she is loved and it will make all the difference in the world. If possible, I would recommend scheduling a date night with your wife once a week. Treat that moment as if your life depended on it. They BOTH need the time together more than they realize.


Now my wife’s words of wisdom for marriage may not seem so important, but they are! And when I say that “you” need to do these things, I’m also talking to myself. There are many wounded and broken marriages in this world, because men are too proud to lead by example and focus too much on things that aren’t as important as we think they are. Let’s change that!

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