Health Fitness

If I were you

The moment I closed my eyes for a nap one beautiful afternoon, my playlist jumped to another song, I guess the last song had finished playing, how could I not notice? Perhaps for the reason that I was already drifting to another realm and was about to completely drift off into a deep sleep. But here I am listening to “If I Were a Boy” by Beyoncé and R-Kelly. The lyrics of the song sank into my subconscious mind. I kept wondering and thinking about the lyrics all day. Can I fully understand nature and its processes? Can I fully understand the various forces in the universe? Can I predict what I will do or what others will do in the next minute? Can I understand how another person feels or why most people do what they do at any given time? I do not think; There are many things in life that cannot be understood. The more you think about them, the more you discover that you don’t know. Many times I think I understand, but over time I realized that I misunderstood.

Life and Death, Space and Time, Faith and Chance; these are the forces of the universe that man in his present being cannot and will not fully understand. They are mysteries that humans cannot unlock. From the moment we enter this life, we are in the continuous flow of it, we measure it, we mark it and we cannot challenge it or disobey it. We can’t even speed it up or slow it down, can we? There are so many times when we experience the feeling that every beautiful moment seems to pass quickly and we wonder if we could make it last or wait a bit or we feel that time slows down on a dull and unhappy day and we wish we could speed it up. a little and make it go fast. This is the meaning of nature and we cannot do anything about it. It takes a lot to be who we are and a lot more to figure out what other people are and how to deal with them. We know ourselves too well that we assume that others can be predicted. We may be right sometimes, but most of the time we are wrong. Most people think they have clearly understood the truth about life and its continuous progression and can clearly predict other people and how they felt but they clearly have no idea, I guess we are all programmed to feel that way.

If I were you, I wouldn’t do that, I’ll be much more careful, I’ll do it right, I’ll be patient and do my best, and so on. The fact remains the same “If you were me, you would do exactly the same as me or much worse”, if you were in my place, you would definitely understand.

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