
New York Bike Accident Attorneys

Bike Accident Attorneys

If you have been in a bike accident, you should contact a seasoned New York City bicycle accident attorney immediately. If you were seriously injured, it is essential to fill out a police report, visit the hospital, and gather medical records. Your New York bicycle accident attorney can help you file a personal injury lawsuit. Rosenberg Minc Falkoff & Wolff, LLP, has decades of experience investigating and collecting evidence to support bicycle accident claims.

A bicyclist has long known that sharing the road with motor vehicles presents dangers. While larger vehicles may not be as intimidating as bicycles, aggressive drivers may pose a greater risk. The negligent driver behind the wheel may be to blame for a fatal bicycle accident. Kaplan Lawyers PC represents injured bicyclists to receive the medical attention they need and the compensation they deserve. If your loved one was killed, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Edelsteins, Faegenburg & Brown, LLP provides high-quality legal services on a contingency basis. These attorneys strive to maximize their client’s compensation by fighting to recover every penny they deserve. They have successfully recovered millions of dollars for bicycle accident victims, and they are a top choice when it comes to legal representation. You should contact them immediately to discuss your bicycle accident case. You should also be prepared to file a lawsuit if you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident.

NYC e-bike Injury laws

Whether you’ve suffered a traumatic injury or only minor physical damage, it’s important to contact a knowledgeable New York City bicycle accident attorney immediately. Injuries sustained in bicycle accidents can be devastating, so hiring an attorney immediately will help you level the playing field and increase your chances of recovering compensation. The Ashley Law Firm is equipped to investigate the case and fight aggressively on your behalf. You will receive financial compensation to cover medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

New York Bike Accident Attorneys

Your attorney will work hard to collect evidence of your bicycle accident. Gather copies of any police reports and any witnesses involved. Preserve any damaged bikes, including Go Pro cameras, to ensure forensic analysis. Also, make sure that the driver of the vehicle remains at the scene, and gather insurance information from them. You should also be prepared to provide your attorney with witness testimony. Keeping all of these things in a safe place is crucial when you’re fighting for fair compensation.

Bicycle safety should be a top priority, especially in the city. While some streets have bike lanes, many side streets do not. Bicycles are forced to share the road with cars, which increases their risk of being hit by negligent drivers. New York courts have held that it’s the city’s duty to maintain safe streets, and in one case, a driver whose speed was excessively high was partially responsible for the cyclist’s injuries.

One tragic case recently took place on the upper west side of Manhattan. The bicycle rider who crashed into him was a New Yorker. During the same period, eight other Citi Bike riders were injured. Most of them believed that the driver’s reckless behavior, such as not putting tape on their brakes, was their fault. As a result, many bicycle accident attorneys in the city have been hired to fight for those injured by a negligent driver.

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