Tours Travel

Public Relations for State Parks

Many state parks in the United States do an excellent job of public relations and provide important information to tourists and resorts. Most are heavily involved with the local Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Association. This is because by working with these groups they are able to alert more people to the State Park and its beauty, trails and sights and increase tourism which is wonderful for local businesses and that means more jobs in the area and more monetary flows to the communities.

Public Relations for State Parks is no walk in the park, however, as there is also a balance between nature and the business community and therefore they can sometimes be at odds as more and more people come to visit, means more and more growth, the need for more or bigger roads in the park and more camping grounds as well. All this causes problems, but the local community knows that they make money from tourists, so give us everything you have!

Public relations for state parks is not an easy job and sometimes there is more turnover than necessary due to sheer politics. The trick is to develop goals and objectives from the outset for the state park and ensure that these goals and objectives or mission statement are met with the local business community. A public relations officer for a state park has one of the toughest jobs in our nation’s park system and the dynamics they are involved in are intertwined with almost every aspect of the local community. Please consider all this in 2006.

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