
The acorn theory

Each person carries a singularity that asks to be lived and that is already present before it can be lived.

The Acorn Theory was first postulated in the modern era, at least in the public domain, by James Hillman, author and psychologist, in his best-selling book; The code of the soul. Hillman’s view is that one of life’s greatest mysteries is the question of character and one’s destiny. In this theory he proposes that our call is innate and that it is our mission in life to carry out its imperatives. He has called it the “acorn theory,” the idea that our lives are shaped by a particular image, just as the fate of the oak tree is contained in the little acorn.

The central theme behind Hillman’s acorn theory is that some notable people, including renowned artists and world leaders, as well as even some serial killers, are born and not made. This, of course, goes against what we call conventional psychology which believes that early childhood conditioning or socialization is the biggest determinant of what a person will make of themselves later in life.

Hillman states and I quote; “neither nature nor nurture” (neither genetics nor environment) that dictates the outcome of a life. Rather, it is an innate quality that every person possesses, the spark of individuality that, like a master code for a person’s life, determines the direction in which he will pursue his destiny.”

Where it really gets complicated is when you talk about a global intelligence that provides a road map for a person’s life. In many religions this is known as the guardian angle, spirit or soul. In other words, the child already knows the true destiny of the adult, and it is this knowledge that guides the child, despite all the obstacles imposed by parental and social norms, in the inevitable direction of her destiny. In his book he refers to this as the “soul code”, hence the title.

So then the theory of the acorn broken down in its simplest terms proposes that each life is animated by a particular image that calls it to its destination, yes, finally there is that word. Plant an acorn in a field of sunflowers and you’ll get an oak tree, not a sunflower stalk. No matter what mommy or daddy does to cheer or discourage, it makes no difference, the little “soul-girl” knows where she is going and she will find her way in time. Your guardian angle of her will guide you!

Now what Hillman is also saying is that it’s more of a myth than a theory. He attributes this myth to Plato; “that you come into the world with a destiny, although he uses the word paradigm, instead of destiny.”

So understand that he is not throwing the baby out with the bathwater so to speak, but he is saying, and for many years he has said it very strongly, that sometimes you come across an individual who cannot be explained in terms of nature. or parenting. Of course, there is a place for conventional psychology, but you should consider the possibility of the acorn theory when faced with a puzzling individual and not try to search endlessly using the status quo of conventional psychology.

Now I, on the other hand, well, I don’t have the brain power to argue the merits of your argument against mainstream psychology on anywhere near your level, but being the romantic that I am and steeped in Christian faith, I love to entertain the notion and the idea of ​​him. But in saying that, my life experience and my belief that “life is hard” suggests something quite different, something much more earthy than the idea of ​​fate or some sort of predetermined outcome for one’s life.

When I first came across the acorn theory many years ago, frankly, I initially thought it had been written up by some self-help guru in a book he/she had written and then hit the streets to sell on tour. of conferences. You have to admit that reading it, especially for the first time, makes you think! I know you did that for me. My initial thought(s) was(are) that it meant that we all have a uniqueness and a contribution to make and the inner power to go out and realize our dreams. But the fated never entered the picture for me. Rather, if we were taught to believe in ourselves and understand the value of hard work, we could find our way to our life’s purpose, to the fulfillment and fulfillment of our dreams. I never realized at the time that it meant something very different to James Hillman and the world of psychology. The thing is, I still believe what I had originally thought, but now that I’ve come to understand a bit better that this theory (myth) actually came about through a pretty reputable guy named Plato to James Hillman, I feel like tackling it with considerably more respect for what you can teach.

I am sure that anyone who has had at least a passing interest in psychology has heard of the concept of nature (genetics) and nurture (conditioning or socialization) in reference to early family experiences and the role those experiences play in our formation. . to adulthood. In particular, the influence mom and dad have on our emotional, spiritual, and actually intellectual and physical well-being growing up. During those formative years we develop our personality style or way of communicating, we develop our core values, our needs and our interests arise from the relationship and influence of family and school.

All of that early life experience within the family translates, for better or worse, into the adult.
The idea that no matter what my early family experiences are, or what I try to do or control will turn out to be of little or no relevance, is abhorrent to me. I am going to become something that was predetermined by some force beyond my awareness, it is too much to understand or believe. “What will be will be!” If that were the case, most of us would probably be “slugs.” After all, what would be the point of working hard for a goal, going out and achieving something, anything?

Whether it’s innate in us (nature) or socialized in us (nurture), take your pick, it’s a set or hierarchy of needs described by Abraham Maslow, another psychologist. So how would we get our ego state needs met, where would we get our sense of belonging, of being a part of something, our sense of worth? How would I get meaning in my life, where would validation and affirmation come from if everything was just going to happen, delivered to me without any effort on my part?

Healthy, reasonably well-adjusted, neurotic individuals are naturally attracted to or have developed a need to achieve something significant for themselves, sometimes even without really being aware of what drives them (need tension).

I remember once telling my parents when I was very young that I wanted to be a doctor, I didn’t say I was meant to be a doctor. Needless to say, it didn’t work. In fact, after that there was a series of false starts and stops. Finding my path to my life’s purpose at the age of 59 (male to others), arose due to life experiences I had little to no control over and experiences I strategically had control over. I asked myself the question many times!

In the end, it took a near-death experience that lasted over four years to finally get me there.
Am I to believe the acorn theory applied to me, that almost dying from lung failure over the course of two years and at the last moment receiving a lung transplant was part of my destiny, part of the master plan for my life? That’s an exaggeration even for a somewhat liberal thinker like myself.

And let’s not lose sight of how important CONTROL is in everyone’s life. When left with little control we become terribly stressed and dysfunctional. Some are even prepared to fight to the death for control, particularly control of their lives. I think we call freedom that suddenly raises the whole spectrum of free will.

The acorn theory goes against free will, something Christianity teaches us we have. How could someone believe in fate and free will at the same time? They are not congruent if you believe that no matter what happens and how it affects your life, you are still being pulled or pulled towards your destiny.

The dilemma, however, and what makes it all so fascinating to James Hillman and others, myself included, are the exceptions, those people who grow up in an unhealthy environment to become strong citizens, leaders, famous and accomplished people, and what about those who become serial killers despite what seems like a normal, healthy upbringing? Could these people really have something more in their lives? It’s clearly a mystery, but what an intriguing idea!

So for all the parents in the audience and those soon to be parents or eventually planning to be, aside from the fascination of the question, does he side with nature and nurture, as most do, there is a very powerful message here do not believe.

As you work to find your path to your life’s purpose and reflect on the impact your first family had on your journey and your past and present struggles, think about what will happen to your children in your care during their formative years. Will they get from you the quality time and attention they need to grow up healthy and balanced emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and physically? The demands of our world make it very difficult to differentiate between what our children need and what they want and then be able to give it to them.

Hillman is credited with the following:

“I think we are miserable in part because we have only one god, and that is the economy. The economy is a slave driver. Nobody has free time, nobody has leisure. The whole culture is under terrible pressure and full of worries. It is difficult to get out out of that box. That’s the prevailing situation around the world.” james hillman

My God, is that living? I cannot believe the power of the truth of his declaration for all of us. Are we letting the economy rule our lives so much that we are compromising our mental and physical health and, in turn, that of our children?

In reference to children, James Hillman’s message can be summed up in the saying; “We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, but we forget that it is someone today.” Stacia Tauscher

And please, never forget; “Children are the living messages we send to a time we shall not see. John W. Whitehead: The Stealing of America, 1983

Coach Ladd PS Make sure you collect all those acorns before the snow falls, otherwise fate will be upon your lawn next spring.

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