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To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Summary – Chapter 17

First Witness Examination, Heck Tate: To Kill a Mockingbird Summary Summary – Chapter 17

Judge Taylor presides during the court case and during the first questioning of a witness, Atticus finds many gaps in the testimony that Tom actually raped Mayella. The sheriff was the first person outside of the Ewell family to see Mayella after the rape incident. Atticus begins to prove that Tom did not hit or rape the white woman. The crowd still can’t tell the direction from Atticus’s interrogation form, but he successfully presents that two strong hands actually hurt Mayella’s right eye and throat.

Bob Ewell Testifies: To Kill a Mockingbird Summary – Chapter 17

The next witness is Bob Ewell, Mayella’s father. Bob invited Heck to visit his home to see Mayella, whom he said Tom raped. Bob is uneducated because he comes from a poor family, which explains a lot about his mean attitude. Bob admits that no doctor performed a medical check-up on Mayella on the day of the rape incident because it is expensive and he does not see its importance. Jem could see where Atticus’s questions were directing the crowd and Judge Taylor.

Bob Ewell Beat Mayella ?: To Kill a Mockingbird Plot Summary – Chapter 17

It is clear that Bob Ewell had beaten Mayella and then blamed Tom for his actions. Bob signs his testimony and the judge noted that he uses his left hand when writing. Clearly, a left-hander could cause so much bruising on the right side of the victim’s face and neck. The victim’s bruises were mainly on the right side of the face, which includes the eye and throat. Atticus’s questioning with Bob is brief. Scout can’t see the direction of her father’s interrogation, she looks at Tom Robinson and thinks he’s a big, strong man who can easily hurt the white woman.

This was a summary of chapter 17 of To Kill a Mockingbird; There are 31 chapters in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

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